Thursday, 29 April 2010

My boyfriend

Today I had lunch with my boyfriend, Ashton. His Mummy Sarah says I am one of his harem, but I don't know what that means.

My Mummy cooked us gnocchi at Ashton's house and we ate loads.

Then we went for a walk and to the River and Rowing Museum for a drink. While we were there I smiled at the waiter there who always smiles at me, but Mummy says if Ashton is my boyfriend then I shouldn't be so obvious I am doing that. She says I will learn what she means when I am older.

Talking of when I am older, I had a go in Daddy's car today, but apparently I have to wait until I am older to drive it - something to do with my feet and pedals.

I had fun in there though.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think I need to meet this boy, I mean what are his intentions, is he able to keep you in the custom you have now come to expect? Grapes aren’t cheap these days…

    Don’t worry about the pedals, daddy will get a new sports car in the future, it will be a classic for you when you start to drive.
