Friday, 30 April 2010

I can do crawling!

Today I let Mummy and Daddy see what I've been practising for a while (although Mummy did see me yesterday when I thought she was busy) - my crawling.

I managed to crawl across the living room to my shaker. It was very hard work, and I was worn out afterwards, but it won't be long before I can crawl easily and really get up to mischief.

Mummy had better watch out!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lilia, It is very late but I just woke up because I am teething. Mummy came in to see me and told me that she read your blog and you crawled today - well done! I started crawling forwards this week and today I crawled along the hall and into the kitchen. Then I saw Teddy in the washing machine. Mummy says next time your mummy brings you round to see me we should have a crawling race.
    Lots of love from Ashton xx
