Friday, 8 October 2010

These feet were made for walking

I have been promising to write about my walking, and after today I just had to!

I've been taking steps for a while now but Mummy says she won't say I am properly walking till it is, and I quote, my 'preferred method of transportation'. Ashton's Mummy says that is quite harsh. I agree.

Anyway, I do like trying to walk and in the last week or so have been taking up to 21 steps on my own around the house, but I can be quite wobbly and I prefer not to do it outside the house.

Or should I say preferred (ooh look I can do tenses!).

Today I had a go at a bit of walking in my signing class, and it went OK, so after a massive 90-minute nap this afternoon I felt refreshed enough to have a go outside in town.

It went really well. I help Mummy's hand, and walked round Falaise Square, and then decided to walk to Waitrose, and I walked all round Waitrose*, and then nearly all the way home, too! Mummy said I walked for nearly two hours!

It was tiring, but lots of fun. I saw loads of things I never notice in the pram, and although it did take a very long time to get home (and in the end Mummy carried me) I was glad I did it.

It was especially nice to hear people walking past saying how cute I looked. Mummy says this is because I am as small as a nine-month-old so I look like a doll or a genius. In fact my trousers today say 3-6 months on the label, so you can tell how petite I am. But perfectly formed, of course.

At least now I have got some good use of my lovely shoes, because they cost £22 - Mummy says this is a lot of money for something I will only wear for six weeks before I outgrow them. I say look at the use I've had out of those trousers!

*Mummy didn't let me buy the things I chose in Waitrose, but if she had, then I would have bought:
a punnet of blackberries
one tomato
a beetroot
some pre-prepared root vegetables
some new potatoes in herbs in a bag
bathroom cleaner
some bread reduced in price

When I am old enough I will buy the things I want to buy, not what Mummy says we need.

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